When halmunee got really sick, my uncle called all our family down to come see her. She really needed us and we all came through to support (me, mom, Andrew came down Christmas 2010 to support).
Sad to say but my gma eventually passed on Jan. 05 2011. Probably the saddest day of my life so far. In picture: my baby cousin & myself.
I came back down from NY to live with Jason till he left for the Air Force. There, we formed the wolfpack. The guys I called my brothers. Jason, Brandon, Trevor, Derek, Travis, & Jimmy. I was the only girl but Chandalyn came to chill for the night.
The few days before Jason was about to leave was the hardest. I cried so little but my heart broke every time I thought about it (which was very often). This was his swear in.
I was sick while he was still in Washington but I got sick even more after he left. My cousin is a nurse but she lives in Georgia and couldn't help unless I was physically close to her. Therefore, I went to Georgia and met up with my mom. This was at some mountain place where me, my mom, my auntie & cousin went to go climb. It was such a perfect day.
Driving back home to Washington with my mom. This is mid-April. Took turns driving.
Brandon & I driving to Denver, CO from Oregon.
Driving with Jason's family to go to his Air Force Basic Training Graduation. This is mid-June.
He did it. And didn't even break a sweat. And just to add, it was an amazing time in Texas. I can't take his family enough for everything they've done for me, him, us. It was much needed and they were there to support us no matter what. We went everywhere & ate everything.--& thanks to my mom! She gave me money to travel with and paid for 2 airplane tickets since Jason's family messed up on the info for one... I love you mommy!! <3 xoxo
I got a job in between traveling and such! I went on an interview and got it rightaway :) well, to add I gotta give props to my friend Raquel for hooking it up! I started right when I got back from TX. And I had a love/hate relationship with this place. Min. wage but I got close to all the workers, we were the Sushiitogo family hahahaha. I drew us all one day.
July 4, 2011
All-in-all, I still hung out with everyone I wanted to hang out with and met many great new people!
My dad came to visit, well to get his license renewel. It was great to see him. I missed him.
I got a tattoo my gma's name. Park Suo Bok. I love her & miss her. After I got this, I felt a deep connection to her. I don't care what anyone says, it's true. And I still don't regret it.
I even went to weddings and bleached my hair!!! It was dirty blonde & I did it at home by myself!! Yay :)
My mom came back sometime after September and we went on a family trip with my uncle from Chicago, auntie from GA, and cousins/aunt from Oregon. We rented a beach house somewhere on the coast of Oregon. Such a great time. Much rather needed family time.
I had a late-ish birthday celebration with close friends. Thank you all for coming out!! It was a great night.
Somewhere in between haha, my family got Monkey. He's the love of my life! He irritates me sometimes but I love him like I've never loved another. This is a Halloween photo so it's not that great.

After a year of lollygagging, I decided to go back to school. I knew it wasn't gonna be easy but it was what I wanted. It was the hardest thing to go back to, studying sched. to keeping up with church, etc but I managed to pull through! & my favorite class was Psych 101. Oh how it understands me.
I'm a Sunday school teacher again!! I missed it and I'm glad I'm officially one! Loving God is one thing. Being able to help the young ones love God is just breathtaking.
Halloween '11 with non other than my "bad bitches" hahahaha. Wonder woman, bandit, zombie, chola & majortrouble (;
Thanksgiving '11. My family & Zula & her son, Jackie went to my mom's boss' place. We know there family from church so it was a good night. Good food, good people.
Christmas slowly crept around. It was a great day. --Jason and I broke up that day. We weren't even engaged anymore at that point but on Xmas, we were just hanging my a thread and he snapped it (I'm dramatic haha). But my family went to Tokyo to eat sushi. It was alright, I miss my mom's rolls. And even though I didn't get anything, it's alright. Because I spent most my money buying my mom many many stuff and I was sooo happy to see her happy.
This picture is flippin hilarious hahahahahaha!! Caroline convinced me to go to Sandpiper this winter break & I'm super glad I did! I had such a great time and this helped me get my mind off of many things and to click with everyone.
NYE............ Nothing to say but can't wait till the New Year :)
The last few photos are in no order. I swear I had more photos but they're spread everywhere so I'll have to just add next time!
2011, you've taught me so much. I grew so much, not speaking physically but I feel more mature now. I've experienced so much that one person can fathom to take in. But I'm glad I went through this route because without it I wouldn't have opened my eyes to all the foolishness I was involved in before. I remember there was a hiatus in my life where I was so anti-social and so arrogant. I hated myself and the world. I'm not saying I'm much different now lolol but I've grown to deal with it, in a positive manner. 2012, be good to me as well. I've been looking forward to you. Been enjoying it so far :)
Gym Class Heroes ft. Ryan Tedder - The Fighter
There goes a fighter. Here comes a fighter. That's what they'll say to me. This one's a fighter.
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